Dancing with The Intangibles


ASIS Gallery, Rochester, New York, United States

November 30- December 12, 2023

Growing up in Tongliang, China, Zoe grew increasingly fascinated by the state-driven revival of the local Dragon Dance with objectives of boosting the local economy and reinforcing national identity. Zoe conducted two months of ethnographic fieldwork on Dragon Dance in the summer of 2023, and aims to reflect on the intersection among widespread religious practice, cultural tourism, and the identity-forming process in her multi-media artworks. This exhibition features part of Zoe’s artworks, which will later be exhibited in her solo exhibition.

Spherical Memory

Experimental film + sculpture

81 cm X 75 cm X 97 cm, 2023


Artist book (handmade)

11 cm X 11 cm, 2023


A4 paper, 2023

Presence in Every Fold

Artist book + Installation, 2023